Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wings of a Dream

Reading "Wings of a Dream" I felt like I stepped back into 1918 each time I opened the pages! The story was so vivid and the characters were so real- I really lost myself in this story, as the saying goes! I felt that I experienced all the emotions that Rebekah did as she tried to discern the Lords will for her life and discovered her need to surrender her dreams and plans completely to Him. "Sometimes you have to give up everything in order to gain what the Lord wants you to have." Rebekah was a heroine so many of us can relate to. I really enjoyed going through the whole journey with her and watching her grow.
**spoiler**One of my favorite quotes from this book was when Rebekah's brother passes on and the narration says "He'd died as he'd wanted- in the midst of living." That really made me stop and think! How important the little things are that we so often take for granted! Live life in the moment, and to it's fullest. Praise the Lord and admire the beauty of his creation while He allows you to.
Irene was such a lovable and kindhearted character- I so enjoyed getting to know her! 
The end of this story was definitely a tear-jerker! xP Read it, and when you get to the part with Janie at the'll think to yourself "Oh THAT'S what she was referencing to!" as you blow your nose and try to see the next paragraph through your blurry vision. So good. :')
"Wings of a Dream" had so many great characters, one or two frustrating ones, emotion, humor, inspiring spiritual application, and a nice sweet- *clean*- romance. What a nice story. ^_^ 
Anne Mateer has a style of writing that is lighthearted and simple, yet profound and emotional at the same time. (And she just so happens to have a super sweet and friendly personality! <3) I always leave her adventures encouraged and satisfied- and ready for the next! :D


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