Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Courting Miss Lancaster

Amazing. I knew "Courting Miss Lancaster" was one of my new favorite Regencies by the end of chapter 1! It had me laughing from the first page right to the very end! The characters were perfect, witty, charming, intriguing, and hilarious! Harry Windover reminded me of Johnny Lee Miller's portrayal of Mr. Knightley, and Athena reminded me of an odd mix of Emma Woodhouse and Catherine Moorland. I loved both of them so much! Adam and Persephone were incredible too, and SO funny! (I'm really looking forward to going back and reading their story!)
Sarah Eden has a charmingly captivating and lively style of writing, similar to Julianne Donaldson, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and Heidi Ashworth (all favorite authors of mine!).
"Courting Miss Lancaster" is one of those novels that you finish, lovingly put back on the shelf in it's place of honor, and then sit and stare at and think about it for a few minutes before continuing on with your now-improved-day- remembering how amazing you felt when you were reading it, re-living your favorite parts, and feeling a little sad knowing you'll never read it for the first time again... But! Miss Eden writes on! :D I am so excited about reading her other works of genius and wit! :)
There are just no adequate words...and far too few stars for my rating! 


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