Friday, October 11, 2013

A Most Peculiar Circumstance

"Miss Arabella Beckett has one driving passion: to help the downtrodden women of America."
This book was incredible! Brilliant! Hilarious! I laughed so hard I cried and and wound up exhausted! I could not put it down - I read all day yesterday! haha 
I loved that all the minor characters from the last book didn't change at all - I really can't stand when the heroine from the last book is boring in the second, just because now she's married and is no longer in the spotlight. I loved Eliza's parts in this story.

"Mr. Theodore Wilder, private investigator extraordinaire, is on a mission." 

The hero and heroine in this story were so awesome! I LOVED all the back and forth banter and witticisms. :D 
The plot was really good, didn't lag at all, and was realistic. (The guy at the end was seriously creepy! This is the second book I've read in the space of two weeks with a crazy person in it! But he added to the story and gave it another level of depth and singularity.) 

"When they return home to New York, circumstances force their paths to continue to cross, but the most peculiar feelings growing between them certainly can't be love."

I was a little nervous that the story would be filled with feminist views and a who-needs-men mentality, but even though Arabella is definitely a member of the suffrage movement and is fighting for women's right to vote, I never felt like she was trying to dumb down the men around her or imply that the world would be better without them. That was a nice change. :P 
Zayne and Theodore's grandparents were definitely my favorite characters (along with Arabella and Theodore, of course. ;)).

"...the unlikely couple must face the possibility that they might have landed in the most peculiar circumstance of all..."

Jen Turano offers a clean, fun, mostly-lighthearted, fast paced, Christian fiction story with great- yet simple- spiritual principles we all need to hear more often about trusting in God, giving our lives to Him, and being willing to do His will rather than our own.
This is definitely a new favorite and I can see myself re-reading this and A Chang of Fortune in the not-too-far future - which I don't usually do. ;)



  1. Alice, I love how you split your review in between quotes from the synopsis! It makes a review easier to read like that, in smaller sections. I look forward to reading this one. Thanks!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading this.
